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A conversational podcast between two middle aged parents who used to be cool but now drive a mini van.

Nov 27, 2017

After missing a week due to a botched save of the last episode, the Maier's return with several stories both new and recycled, including: ne vehicle shopping, sick for weeks, American Thanksgiving, Black Friday, lucky lottery ticket, The Milroy's are #bahds, Eskimos name change part 2, Nunavut food prices, burning ear...

Nov 13, 2017

This week has the Maier's still fighting colds and discussing past car accidents and other topics such as: new iPhone 8's, Chris on RAS, Sparky crashes, Chris has his father's luck, CFL playoffs, the 4th Line Hockey Pool, Edmonton Eskimos name change, the burrito song, Chris's 1st accident, Kristin "drops" by the...

Nov 7, 2017

This week finds the Maier's seeking shelter from an early batch of snow storms and nursing colds with some hot beverages. All this plus: Daylight Saving Time, blueberry tea, Halloween, the shaving incident, early Christmas, good advice, social anxiety, blog thank you's, putting yourself out there, S.O.W., minor keys and...