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A conversational podcast between two middle aged parents who used to be cool but now drive a mini van.

Mar 19, 2017

On a very special 2 part episode of HWYWH, we bring you our first ever guest couple to the show! Joining us tonight is none other than Stefanie of Gotham Lights and 7 Days a Geek as well as producer/proxy-caster/honorary Maier, Agent Palmer! Having left her home in Arizona, Stef joins Palmer in Pennsylvania to spend an evening with us chatting about: a woman's touch, podding and tweeting, Gotham, snow storm flight troubles, the Office isn't Scranton, Krispy Kremes, Fit-Bits, Palmanie origin story, 2 day anniversaries, the OLN connection, Palmer vs Jason, pet names, meeting the fam, Arizona vs Pennsylvania and sexting.

Reach Us: @badwolfbay87  @agentpalmer  @kmaemaier  @chrismaierbc

Look for part 2 to air later in the week!