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A conversational podcast between two middle aged parents who used to be cool but now drive a mini van.

Mar 29, 2022

This week, the Maier's are back in the same room together after a week of family quarantining. Topics include: mouthy dog, couch sleeping, Oliver's late night adventure, more positive results, COVID symptoms, stuffed animals, house egging, Hockey Pool, A Year of Us, SOW, bands we respect, America's Best Song Writers and...

Mar 22, 2022

This week, The Maier's are living all separate floors due to a positive COVID result! Topics include: video calls, bold predictions, COVID positive, driving again, fears and realizations, parents, old movies, great partners, Hockey Pool update, SOW, feeling upbeat and catching up on movies.

Mar 15, 2022

This week, The Maier's are feeling a little overwhelmed with...well, everything. Topics include: yoga, end of masks, Turning Red, driving again, anxiety, Hockey Pool update, household chores, kids' clothes, '84 vs '94 movies, SOW, The Crow and family connections.

Reach Us: @kmaemaier  @chrismaierbc ...

Mar 8, 2022

This week, the Maiers get together after Kristin receives some (more!) shocking news. Topics include: vaccinations, explaining the symptoms, a night out, the FB message, X-ray, Hockey Pool update, emergency situations, SOW, show finales and your kids' music.

Reach Us:  @kmaemaier  @chrismaierbc ...

Mar 1, 2022

This week, Kristin and Chris discuss some heavy events from the week that was. Topics include: Castle women, Kristin's hands, end of the convoy, Olympics end, the Crown, From A Certain Point Askew, Kid's Messenger, hockey pool update, gross food, SOW, yoga and free Canada.

Reach Us:  @kmaemaier ...